Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Coudersport, Pennsylvania:Coudersport is home to a Scottish Rite Consistory. With over 5000 members, Coudersport's Consistory is the largest consistory in the Scottish Rite by per capita membership.

Im somewhat of conspiracy theorist and I found this interesting. For more info see here: http://www.coudersportconsistory.com/officers.html


Greetings! This blog is intended to document my (and hopefully yours) research and accidental discoveries. There will also be the occasional introspection. I do hope that this blog finds you in good mind, body and soul. As it is intended to be for the public; I do hope and encourage that my posts' will create discourse. Ive always asserted the claim that my life was an open book (whether or not anybody would care to read) and now in attempt to make good on that declaration, here goes everything! Now then, where shall we begin...?